
Our providers supply nutritious and balanced meals with varying menus which change each term. We strive to provide tasty and nutritious meals whilst impacting the environment as little as possible.

Our kitchens minimise the use of single-use plastics in the storage, preparation and serving of food. Drinking water is freely available, and students can purchase from our “Generation Juice” machines at break and lunch. Students are given a reusable drinking bottle in order to reduce single-use plastics across the academy. The kitchen also support re-cycling by ensuring that all waste oil is recycled.

We are pleased to inform you that Melior Community Academy has its own in house catering team and is introducing new and exciting menu options.  These options offer the students a wide variety of options within the new Food Standards.

The school canteen is open from 8am to all students. We offer a complimentary (no charge) breakfast service where students can enjoy bagels, cereals or fresh fruit.

During morning break, a range of hot and cold snacks and drinks can be purchased.

At lunchtime a range of hot and cold, healthy and nutritious food is available on a cafeteria style self-service arrangement. Students may also bring a packed lunch to eat in the canteen.

The food standards seek to ensure that students are offered a balanced, healthy meal and regulates the food and drinks that can be sold by the Academy at all times of the day.  We are proud of the quality of the food that we provide and retain the catering service in house in order that we can constantly seek to try new ideas and encourage the students to choose healthier options.

In response to student feedback we will now have different food service areas,- subs, sandwiches and salads, Chef’s Classic and Pasta.  Chef’s Classic is our traditional hot main meal option, Salads and Subs offers a wide variety of sandwiches, wraps and salads, pasta and noodles with a range of meat and vegetarian options each day. Jacket potatoes with a range of hot and cold toppings are available each day. A copy of the weekly menu cycle is available in the canteen along with allergen information for all of the meals and food that we serve.

We are committed to maintaining the prices of our school meals at an affordable level to the students and below the levels currently charged by the local authority school meals service.  Each of our counters offers a Meal Deal Option providing excellent value.  All of our Meal Deal offers are priced at the competitive price of £2.35 and include the main course plus a hot or cold dessert and a drink.

There are a number of students that may be eligible for free school meals that are not currently receiving them.  I would urge you, if you think that your child may be entitled to free school meals to check with the local authority if you are eligible. 

Whist we of course hope that if your child is entitled to receive a free school meal that they will take one, it is also important to claim your entitlement whether or not your child is intending to take the meal.  Schools now receive additional funding of £935 per student that is eligible for a free school meal, whether or not they actually take one.  This additional funding (pupil premium funding) enables the school to fund new initiatives to target students that need it the most.  The application process is straightforward and can now be completed online at

or by contacting the local authority or 01724 297217

If you have any questions relating to the school meals you can contact our Finance Team on 01724 868666

Please refer to the letter below regarding the Academies ‘No School Meal’ debt policy.

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